
Helpful Ways to Grow Your Skills | Get Hired in SA 2024

Learn how to improve your skills and get a job in South Africa. Use these tips to get qualified for on demand jobs by taking online courses, learnerships or enrolling on college to upgrade your Matric.

How to Grow Your Skills | Get Hired in SA

You need training and skills for you to get a job in south africa. Join skills development programmes, TVET college, or simply take online courses that could help you upgrade your skills.

If you have no experience at all. You are advised to at least get your self a minimum qualification that can prove your worth to employers. Also consider investing more time on acquiring skills that could help you get a job in south Africa.

But the question is how does one even do that? Where do you even find learnerships on this time of the year?

Enrol on Skills Development Learnership Programmes 2024

If you are unemployed, learnerships are the most number one solution for ending all that. You can take a learnership programmegiven by many companies that are mostly private and public in SA.

A Learnership is a bit different from a job, since you are looking for ways to sharpen your skills or perhaps expand your knowledge. You should apply for learnerships because the great thing about them, is the fact that you get a stipend for covering things such as food and transportation.

Learnships vary, there are learnerships that you may take from home such as a learnership offered by Sonke  were you get a chance to participate on the programme while you are home with a monthly stipend.

Yet, this is not as effective as it sounds for people who want new skills. Especially skills that involve physical work or so.

These two learnership programmes located around Randburg have a good reputation in delivering good results when it comes to their programmes.

  • LFP Skills Development
  • SDC (Skills Development Corp)

Search for latest learnerships around your area, ask friends and look out for posts about learnerships. This will help you get one, in order for you to enrol and get started with acquiring those skills you need.

Since you know, Learnership programmes are aimed to services those who are in need of skills and training in order for them to be able enter the work industry. Normally with a qualification between NQF Level 1 to NQF 6 after completion.  



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4 Skills Development Learnership Providers for Youth in South Africa 

Skills development programmes play a huge role in South Africa. Creating opportunities can accessed both in the real world and online. These skills development organisations here are one of those whom are dedicated in that. 

  1. SDC

Located around Johannesburg and Cape town. SDC has yearly learnership programmes for skills development for people who are living with disability and abled. Has a range of learnerships in business management, generic management and other fields.

Apply for SDC Learnership

  1. CSG Skills

CSG Skills Offers learnership programmes for disabled and abled people. You can also find various programmes from business, security, transport and more.

Apply for CSG Learnership

If you want to learn ab

  1. Transcend

Transend offers learnership opportunities to people who are living with disability and people who are abled. You have an option to enrol on the learnership online. Learnerships offered are Marketing, Administration, IT (Information Technology) and Management.

Apply for Learnership

  1. DVT

DVT is committed to giving skills development learnerships focused on areas like IT (Information Technology) and Business. With a 24months programme you can acquire a NQF Level 5 and NQF Level 6 qualification after completion of the programme within this 2years.

Apply for DVT Learnership

We summarised these learnerships for you to choose from the one that you think fits the most for you. If you are still not satisfied and thinking maybe you need something different then you should try.

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Apply for a TVET College 2024

Apply for a TVET College course that could help you with practical training and skills. TVET Colleges offer a range of courses you can take on many fields and industries. 

One of the most effective ways to find a job in South Africa is through education first. If you are worried that maybe you may take too long to find a job, before you even finish your course. 

TVET Colleges also offer short courses, which may be an advantage for you if ever you are looking for a job and studies. Going on college will be a huge benefit for you because you will get a chance to be surrounded by likeminded people as you.

Apply for SA Internships 2023

Are you a graduate? well normally companies like standard bank give out internship opportunities to graduates.

These internships can be handy for those who are looking for a real work experience. Internships are really good in getting you out of your comfort zone because you get to experience, learn and earn in the real world of work.

Which sounds fair enough! The disadvantage about internships is that they are mostly for graduates or people who are still furthering their studies. Either at a University or College.

It is some a bit rare to score yourself an internship without any qualification or work experience at all. Yet you should at least try to apply for internships also.

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Consider taking Skills Development Online Courses 

Youth is starting to realise the importance of taking online courses, Online courses are really helpful to when it comes to improving a skill, developing new habits and learning what is hard to find around were you are.

Online courses are fun, the best part about is that when you take a course. You can go back to learn from it over and over. Depending on what platform are you enrolled in.

This may depend, because there are Universities in South Africa that offer online courses. For example, UJ has a free online course on Artificial intelligence. Which might be good opportunity for you if you don’t any qualification at all.

Online learning has a huge Impact when it comes bridging the gap between learning and acquiring skills.

For the fact that you are reading this article right now, a small part of it is online learning. You are learning something new or you are simply improving your knowledge about this “topic”.

So be sure to take online courses constantly, if your daily schedule is uptight, you still have the option to take self-paced online courses.

Self-paced online courses help you study at your own time from anywhere. This might be a huge benefit for you especially if you are a young parent.


Constantly focusing on developing your skills and making sure you are prepared for any job opportunity by updating your resume regularly, join skills development programmes and learning online. Will be a far greater advantage for you. Good luck! On your journey.

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